Friday, February 09, 2007


Readathon - Book of the Day quiz

In the week of Feb 5, book questions were presented by the Library Leaders in the morning announcements. Students were invited to answer the questions and find the books in the library.

Qu 1 - Guess what? The author of Holes (yes the Holes that S. 3 students are reading) has written a series of funny stories about a very special school. Anything can happen at this school. What is the name of the school?
Ans - The Wayside School

Qu 2 - 香港有一位作家,藉她的著作聲明自己不會離開香港,她更以此作為她一本散文集的名字。這位作家是誰?表明她不會離開香港的那本散文集,名叫什麼?
Ans - 小思/ 盧瑋鑾,《不遷》

Qu 3 - Guess what? Ms. Frizzle takes students on amazing field trips. The students never know what will happen when they get on the bus with Ms. Frizzle, but they know they will learn a lot about Ms Frizzle’s favorite subject—science!! This series of books include titles like, the Giant Germ, the Butterfly Battle, the Wild Whale Watch, etc. What is the title of the series?
Ans - The Magic School Bus

Qu 4 - 相傳女媧煉石補青天時,練成三萬六千五百零一塊石頭,但女媧只用了三萬六千五百塊,單單剩下一塊石頭未用。這塊石頭就是哪部小說的主角呢?
Ans - 《紅樓夢》,沒有用來補天的石頭就是賈寶玉。

Qu 5 - Guess what? Not only is this author famous for his many funny children’s stories, the most popular of which is about chocolate, he has also written many revolting poems What is the title of the book which carries these revolting poems?
Ans - Revolting Rhymes


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